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why avatar

We moved into new HQ in November 2020. We wish you can come to visit us prettty soon, when posible.

Estrenamos oficina en Noviembre de 2020. Esperamos poder contar con tu visita muy pronto, cuando sea posible.



by Marc Muntaner

Why Avatar?


If you have a walk in India and you hear something about Avatar, you will be probably hearing something related to the Vishnu’s multiple reincarnations. We respect all the different cultures in our planet, and we feel we are close to that idea of being born again, but we apologize this is not the origins of our name.


On the other hand, if you are up to date with the Hollywood movies, you should know something about blue people living in a wonderful world. Of course we are talking about Avatar, the highest-grossing film ever. But again, we are sorry this utopic origin has nothing to do with us. Indeed, when we are asked if we have the same name as the film, we answer we arrived before the movie did :)


Our inspiration on deciding our brand name is accidental and trivial. It was 2008. I read a lot of books about branding and packaging then, and I realized the word Avatar appeared in some of them. While reading one of my favorite books Designing Brand Identity by Alina Wheeler, I saw the word again. Avatar.

Some things can’t be rationally explained, and even being a minor topic, it was one of them. Why this word came to me? I have not the answer to that question, yet. But I really liked how it sounded. I couldn’t take it out of my head. Avatar. As days went by, the word was recorded in my brain. Avatar. After some months, when I was thinking on having a design agency, I had no doubt how would it be named: Avatar.


My own definition of Avatar: This is something which represents all the good values someone want to be represented with.


Emojis did not exist then, (Iphone had just landed that year, but we were still happy playing Snake with our Nokia 5110. We did not know what would be Whatsapp or Instagram, but a new way of expression based on using symbols to express emotions, had started being used with Messenger. A new language we use today absolutely as a normal thing.



And that’s how all it started. A symbol that expressed so much with so little. :) Happiness. Parentheses and colons, all together. We felt that simple and clear symbol represented ourselves. Then, all the pieces of the puzzle came together. That’s how Avatar became one of the most important words in my life.

AVATAR is something which represents all the good values someone want to be represented with.